Karen Lowe
GCII President
Welcome to the Garden Clubs of Idaho, Inc
I would like to invite all of you who love the fragrance of the garden, the soft humming of the unselfconscious bees, and the pride you take in your little piece of heaven to come join us. We cover related topics from flower arranging, landscape design, insect and animal habitat, container gardening, and the list goes on.
Not only do we grow things here at Garden Clubs of Idaho Inc. we are always sharing what we learn throughout our beautiful state.
We provide scholarships, awards, education, and community development with the environment first in mind. The most rewarding part of belonging to any one of Idaho’s garden clubs is the benefit found in making new friends.
We are striving to enhance communications among the three Districts of GCII by implementing an interactive Internet tool that will be simple to use.
GCII awards an annual scholarship to a college student for the study of horticulture and related areas. Member Clubs may compete for monetary awards at the State, Pacific Region and the National Garden Club levels.
We pride ourselves in productive meetings, good times and close ties that bond us as we learn to grow and grow together.
Click on “Clubs“ to view clubs and contact information for your area. If you need help finding a club, please contact me at: gcii.kjl@gmail.com.